
See a little more about me here. For questions, contact or visit my channel on youtube and community.


See simple and interactive movies showing how to develop software.


Developing applications that help people is always my goal. The application does not have to be complex, it just needs to facilitate human life through technology. Gaming applications have revolutionized the industry by integrating digital assets, offering players enhanced experiences. The meme games token platform exemplifies this trend, providing unique in-game tokens that can be traded or used to unlock exclusive features. This integration of tokens enriches gameplay and offers new opportunities for engagement and rewards.


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I have served as a software development and CTO in Harvard University StartUp and leader of a large telecommunications company. I have worked as a software architecture, building web site, web api, windows desktop and general computer software, use the newest in the world of technology. Technology plays a pivotal role in the success of meme tokens, enabling secure transactions and community engagement. Memebet casino 2024 leverages blockchain technology to create a transparent gaming environment, allowing players to use meme tokens seamlessly. This innovation enhances user experience and fosters trust in the rapidly evolving crypto landscape.

I also develop applications for Android, iPhone, iPad and Tablets; Develop web and pc services communication between several platforms including many part. I have worked as a software architect and participation of several important banking and government projects.

I use agile methodologies for development beyond any standard of software engineering. In my CV you you will see some experiences, certificates, skills and complete updates all the journeys made until today.

Português Currículo

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English Curriculum

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iSecurity Password

iSecurity Password Full

Mega Pass

Brincadeiras Antigas

Docs Remember

Bate Ponto

Cantor Cristão



Ficha Suja



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iCantanda Full



WWG Consultadoria

MVP Microsoft 2017 (more than 8 years)

It was with great joy that I received the news. I was appointed MVP Microsoft .Net. Microsoft again recognition means a lot to me. I have some great projects coming up this year! I have now been a Microsoft MVP for 9 years working and sharing knowledge by publishing articles, videos, podcasts, books, creating systems and startups

Profile -> See more

ASP.NET Utilizando C# - De Programador para Programador

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Programando em C#.NET para Web

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Internacionalization e Localization

The last book published on iBooks Store.

Do you want to learn more about iOS?
Do you want to learn more about Internationalization using Swift? Step by Step? See more about this book.

Internacionalization e Localization

As aventuras de foguetinho

This books tells the story of an ant who is a little different. Foguetinho is an ant who likes to go on adventures. Click here to read more about his adventures

As aventuras de foguetinho


C# Course

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Web Service Course

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Windows Forms Course

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Security Development Course

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iPad Course

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Channel9 Courses

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Ecode10 Courses

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